Word Problem: Raffle Tickets and Real World Math

Jan 20, 2018 | Aventura

Happy Word Problem, math fans! A little bit of practice every day keeps those math muscles strong. We’re here to help with a fantastically fun real world math challenge, so if you’re ready to improve your foundational math skills go ahead and try the challenge below.

We know you can do it! Check below when you're ready for the solution!

Challenge: A local scout troop is hosting a fundraising talent show. They sold child tickets for $5.00 each and adult tickets for $10.00 each. They made $400.00. If they sold 12 adult tickets, how many child tickets did they sell?

Solution: The scout troop made $10.00 × 12 = $120.00. Since they made a total of $400.00, they made $400.00 – $120.00 = $280.00 from the sale of child tickets. Since they sold child tickets for $5.00 each, the number of child tickets they sold was $280.00 ÷ $5.00 = 56 tickets.