Word Problem: Turn Up The Heat on Everyday Math Skills

Jan 31, 2018 | Aventura

Do you have sweet everyday math skills? Then it’s time to turn up the heat to practice and improve! Don’t sweat it, take your time to think it through step by step, and this word problem challenge will be easy as pie. (hint: you’ll need to use your subtraction and division skills.) We know you can do it! 

Challenge: Nellie puts a batch of pies into the oven at 6:17 AM. When they go into the oven, the internal temperature of the pies is 60° Fahrenheit. The temperature increases at a rate of 2.5° per minute. If Nellie wants the internal temperature of the pies to reach 160°, at what time should she take them out of the oven?

Don’t leave the problem half-baked, check back tomorrow for the solution!