FAQs About Math Homework

Sep 4, 2017 | Gilbert

FAQs about Math Homework

Got questions about math homework? At Mathnasium of Gilbert we get many questions about homework. We compiled a list of the questions we get and answers we give.

“Do teachers still give math homework?”

Yes, but not as much as most parents remember getting. Math homework has been an American tradition for generations. Recently, parents and educators have been questioning the value of homework. Many teachers are dramatically reducing, or even eliminating, math homework. Parents wonder how homework reduction will affect their children’s math education.

 “Does Math Homework Help Math Achievement?”

Math homework should match the needs of the child. For most students, homework gives children the opportunity to independently practice skills taught in the classroom.

But if they get stuck on a problem and don’t have anyone to help them, they may give up or practice the skill incorrectly. This can also have negative consequences on their confidence. 

Sometimes parents can help children stuck on a homework problem, but sometimes the parents don’t understand the underlying concepts. Check out The Mathnasium MethodTM. Even parents of elementary school age children often don’t understand current math practices.

Students who attend Mathnasium of Gilbert, they often have a complete change of attitude about math homework. Instead of being an exercise that produce anxiety, successful homework completion becomes a source of pride. Check out our Results! They might even smile when doing math homework. The change in feelings impacts how well they learn the material. Read How to Optimize Your Child’s Neurotransmitters Doing Math Homework?

“Does my child who excels in math still need math homework?”

Children who have mastered the math skills taught in class don’t benefit much from traditional math homework. Wasting children’s time this way could easily lead them to believe that math is boring. These children would be better served with an enrichment model of homework, where they can more deeply explore math topics or advance quicker. Many of our Mathnasium of Gilbert students fall into this category. Their math “homework” is the enrichment they get here at our center.

“Why Isn’t My Child Bringing Home a Textbook?”

Technology is changing the way teachers assign homework. Often kids are assigned online work instead of textbook work. Read Where is the Math Textbook?

“Why Does My Child Get so Upset Doing Math Homework?”

Ask your child. Different children have different reactions to stress. We created this great conversation tool to help you and your child think about possible problems. Want to See Your Children Smile when Doing Math Homework? Talking to your child helps but it may not be enough.

We recommend that you call Suchita Desai, Owner/Center Director of Mathnasium of Gilbert at (480) 782-7987 or Schedule Your Free Trial session. You will learn if your child is on grade level and what gaps they may have. 

For more information about supporting your child with homework please read:

  1. How to Optimize Your Child’s Neurotransmitters Doing Math Homework?
  2. Where Does Your Child Do Math Homework?
  3. Where is the Math Textbook?
  4. Want to See Your Children Smile when Doing Math Homework?


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