We are excited to announce that our home tutoring service is now available to all students! Mathnasium @home features the same experience with highly trained instructors and Mathnasium Method™ as in our learning centre, but live, through a computer.
Both in the centre and online, Mathnasium students boost grades and scores, learn critical-thinking and problem-solving skills, and gain self-confidence that transform their understanding and appreciation of mathematics.
Students attend their live sessions 2 times per week to work on their individualized learning plan. Each session is 1 hour of one to one instructions with our highly trained instructors.
Refer to the comparison table below for our @Home and in-centre experience:
Receive 1-on-1 instructions with an instructior, live. No pre-recorded videos or dealing with artificial intelligence.


Customized Learning Plan based on student’s current math skills


Instructors using various teaching manipulative during instructions


Students earn points for rewards available in centre


Math homework help


Test Preparation


Additional math quests and challenges


Math games as part of the Mathnasium learning hour


Anyone who has a computer, capable of streaming Youtube or Netflix and has a webcam, can take advantage of the service. Feel free to call or text us at (416) 858-6366 to schedule for an online demo session.