Ontario's students are struggling to meet provincial math standards. For the past five years, there has been an overall decline in Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) math scores. This is why the government is focusing on math fundamentals. The teacher's guide will provide teachers with the resources they need to move away from Discovery Math, and back to traditional formulas and memorization techniques. The guide will also help Grade 9 and 10 math teachers as they support students moving from elementary to secondary school math courses.
Ontario's focus on the fundamentals of math will help Ontario students achieve higher math results and will better position them for success in daily living and the jobs of tomorrow. It will also help them connect what they are learning in school to real life, and how to solve everyday problems.
By getting back to the basics of fundamental math concepts and skills, Ontario will once again be positioned to be a leader in math education.
Talk to us and book a free assessment to get better understanding where your kid's math fundamental gaps are.
The Teacher Guild is at www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/teachers/teacher_guide_math_en.pdf (please copy the link to open in a new window)