Spring is here! New grass and blossoms, warmer weather, school is winding down, annnnnndd.... report cards. Can't forget about those. Despite the common reaction to report cards (apprehension, anxiety), the students at Mathnasium of Kelowna aren't worried. In fact, getting report cards can be very rewarding.
Tina Conrad, a Mathnasium parent, says, "Mathnasium has helped my son bring his algebra grade from a low D to a high B!"
We'd be pretty happy bringing home that report card :)
Tiffany Grimanis, a proud Mathnasium parent, noted, "My student has been going to Mathnasium for 4 years as a supplement to regular (school) curriculum. He is doing really well, (he is) even a few grade levels ahead. He always scores high on standardized tests".
Those results aren't the exception, either. Most students, 90% to be precise, see improvement in their grades. And it's not just grades that are improving. 93% of Mathnasium students report having a better attitude about math, followed by a whopping 94% who claim their overall math skills and understanding have boosted.
Giving your students the extra help they need at Mathnasium can help them gain the necessary confidence to feel successful in math. A fabulous article in Miracle Math Coaching reads, "Students who have transitioned from struggling learners to self-confident learners stated that before they started receiving their tutoring services, they often felt as though they were swimming upstream-consistently against the current." If your student is struggling in math, it's time for your child to try Mathnasium of Kelowna.
Our unique Mathnasium Method offers your student a personalized learning plan that addresses weaknesses and grows strengths. We've seen our patented Mathnasium Method work again and again. We are experts at creating results that blow away parents, teachers, and sometimes, even the students themselves. There's never been a better time to vamp up your child's math experience. This spring, let's see your student reach new heights with Mathnasium of Kelowna.