Mathnasium of SW Calgary - Problem of the Week!
Solve the problem of the week below for your grade level. During your @HOME session, be sure to tell your instructor or email the Math Centre your answer so your ballot can be deposited into your grade level entry box before closing time on Thursday. Students attending "in-Centre" sessions can deposit their ballots in their grade level entry box any time they are in the Math Centre during the week. On Thursday evening (8:00pm), a ballot will be drawn from each Problem of the Week Entry Box and the first “correct” solution drawn from each box will win a Fabulous $10 Gift Card. All other “correct” Mathlete solutions entered will receive “2” extra punches on their Reward Card at the start of their next session in the Math Learning Centre.
Give your brain a workout!!
Be sure to enter at the start of your next session at the Math Learning Centre.
Problem of the Week for Grades 3 and 4: George plans to read all of Chapter 4 in the book he’s reading tonight. Chapter 4 starts on page 75 and ends on page 100. How many pages does George plan to read tonight?
Problem of the Week for Grades 5 and 6: Yesterday, Max read half of a book. Today, he read a third of what was left. What fractional part of the whole book is left for Max to read?
Problem of the Week for Grades 7 and 8: Amelia can read 150 words per minute. The book she’s reading is 450 pages long and has 250 words on each page. How many hours will it take Amelia to read the whole book?
Problem of the Week for Grades 9 and above: There are 3 books in a series. Altogether, the series is 1155 pages long. Book 1 is the shortest—16 pages shorter than Book 3. Book 2 is 1 page longer than Book 3. How many pages long is each book?
Grades 3 and 4: Another unbelievably good week of participation for the problem presented at this grade level and with so many correct answers we awarded "2" WINNERS! Emily T. and Amelia both solved the problem and were the first two correct ballots to be drawn. Well done Emily and Amelia, now each of you come and choose a Fabulous $10 Gift Card of your choice. Anthony, Kiki, Mary, Amy, Katherine, Gabby, Lilac, James and Eliza U. also read the question carefully and provided the correct solution to the problem and they will each receive "extra punches" on their Reward Card. Well done everyone!! Everyone try again this week! Come on, give your brain a workout!
Grades 5 and 6: Our Mathletes at this grade level had a difficult time solving the problem posed this past week. Max correctly solved the problem and he wins a Wonderful $10 Gift Card of his choice. Well done Max! Everyone be sure to devote time this week to solving the problem!! Become a Mathnasium Mathlete!
Grades 7 and 8: A struggle this past week with trying to submit the correct solution to the problem posed. Khoi managed to solve the problem. Fantastic work Khoi, now come and choose a Terrific $10 Gift Card of your choice. Everyone work on the problem again this week!! Mathnasium – Home of the Power Math Workout!
Grades 9 and above: A tough problem this past week resulted in no correct solutions submitted. Everyon try again this week. Show what you can do as a Mathlete!