How to keep your child's mind engaged this summer?

Jun 8, 2020 | Cathedral Heights

With most academic summer programs being canceled due to COVID-19 concerns, Northwest DC parents are considering their options.


How to encourage learning, reinforce skills, and get ahead?  This is especially important in math education as it is sequential and builds on itself.  Ongoing successful encounters in math are crucial for self-confidence.


Consider your child for a moment.  Have they mastered the prerequisite math skills needed for this fall?  Are they ready for more of a challenge?  Try the quick quiz below - the results may surprise you!


2nd Grade

3rd Grade

4th Grade

5th Grade

6th Grade





Why not use this summer to get ahead in math?  Let’s start with self-scheduling a private math skills assessment (what to expect).


You are then welcome to join for math tutoring at our Cathedral Heights center - OR - experience Mathnasium @ home via our video-conference platform.


Let’s get started - click the button below or call us at (202) 888-6882.