Welcome to your first session at Mathnasium of Cathedral Heights!

Feb 28, 2021 | Cathedral Heights

Hello! We heard you’re looking for a challenge in math - - you’re in the right place!


We were expecting you so we have everything already set for your first session! Remember the assessment you completed not too long ago? The results let us know what you already know and what new topics we can teach you. We looked closely at the results to decide which topics to start with today. Let’s pick up your papers and I’ll introduce you to your Instructor for the day!


You will notice that there are a few Instructors in the center. You will get to know each of them as you continue your session. Each Instructor is fun and unique, but they all provide the same amazing Mathnasium experience!


Your instructor for today will get you signed in, ask you the Question of the Day, and ask if you have any homework. If you have any homework, your Instructor will work with you on it toward the end of your session. For each page of the Mathnasium material you complete, your Instructor will add a stamp on your card. You can turn in the cards you earn at the reward cabinet for anything you like. You can use your cards as often as you like – or you can save up a bigger reward! 


As you look around the center you might recognize some of your friends and classmates. We have a lot of kids from around NWDC that attend our center each week. During your session, you will have the chance to check out our Estimation Station (it will be near the letter board like the one pictured with Pi the Pig). Check it out and put your brain power to work by placing a guess! Guess carefully though - the person who places the closest guess you will win extra cards! 


At the end of your session today, your Instructor will sign you out as you get your things together. While you wait for your parents to come, you can chat with other kids at the front of the center or check out the monthly calendar. There are always plenty of fun activities and opportunities to earn more cards!


Congratulations! You’re on your way to take on a great challenge and we are so proud of you! We can’t wait to see you next time, Mathlete!