Finals and Testing Success Tips from Mathnasium

Jan 14, 2020 | Chula Vista

Test taking can be a source of a anxiety for many students, and milestone tests like placement exams, standardized tests, AP/IB tests, and finals even more so. Lack of confidence can have just as great of an impact on a students' performance as lack of preparation, so here are some helpful guidelines to help do well on any upcoming exams or finals as we approach a new semester. Building good study habits takes time and regular practice.

1. Identify the date of the test

Preparation is most effecive over time. Make sure to give yourself ample time to study and get ready to do your best. Tests like the SAT, SBAC, AP/IB exams, or ACT are all scheduled far in advance, so you always know exactly how long you have to prepare, and how realistically you can prepare. Exams like finals are also often announced far in advance, maybe on a syllabus or already scheduled for finals week. Always consult with your teacher if you are in doubt!

2. Prioritize topics you need to know - Make a list

Keep your goals realistic when it comes to studying - we're not going to be able to memorize the entire textbook or every single miniscule topic. Prioritize big ideas and what you know is important, or your teacher has indicated is important. Make a list, or use a study guide that was provided by your teacher.

3. Bring your list to Mathnasium

Our center is unique in its approach to supporting our students on their current in-school curriculum. We're always happy to work off a curated list of topics or help you make one! From there, we directly teach and can print practice and supplementary materials to help you prepare.

4. No distractions during study time

We're all guilty of being distracted, even saying "Oh, but I'm good at multitasking." However, distractions like music playing, having the TV on, social media, holding a conversation can all interrupt your focus and prevent retention of important concepts.

5. Studying over time rather than "cramming"

While extracurriculars, outside interests, and social activities may keep students busy, it's important to realize the importance of making time to study regularly, and in advance of an exam. Cramming can result in not remembering a lot of information since students are reading through so much of it in such a short time, and can exacerbate test anxiety - namely that stressful experience of "I know I've read this, I remember reading it but what was the answer?" 

6. Being prepared physically too

Test taking is stressful for your body too, in addition to your mind. Ensure you feel as well rested as possible and eat a balanced meal before taking on a big test. Stay hydrated, and bring a snack if the test is anticipated to be long. You want to stay focused and working at your full potential!

7. Being prepared materially as well

Feeling prepared alleviates a lot of test anxiety. Pencils? Check. Erasers? Check. Notes/book if the test is open book? Scratch paper? 

8. Ace that test!

If you've been using your resources, taking care of yourself, and studying, there's only one thing left to do: go in there and do your best! 

Need some help with test prep? No worries! Give us a call at 619-946-5686 so we can work through our testing preparedness together!