Helping Parents While Helping Their Students

Feb 8, 2022 | Chula Vista

Parents love Mathnasium because they can see a difference in their kid's math skills and overall performance. Many parents voice their frustration with teaching their children Math while struggling with the homework and studying. We have a solution for parents who are frustrated and want something new, something that works.

Our tutors in Mathnasium love working with children and love Math. Everyday, we get students from all levels in Math. Their personalities shine through after having spent some time in Mathnasium and they begin to light up when coming into our center. We know Math is scary for a lot of kids so we try to make it fun and teach them in ways that they understand. Overall, we not only help the students by teaching them to love Math but we also help their parents have some time to relax instead of stressing over re-learning Math they haven't done in years. 

Does this sound like something that can help make your life better? 

Call NOW to schedule a free assessment or trial session! (619) 946-5686