Math Word Problem of the Week - (Week of October 6)

Oct 6, 2019 | Chula Vista

Hi Math whizzes! Now that October is in full swing, we're already thinking of Halloween and this week's math word problem is a spooky one... We might be sleeping with the lights on after working with our conversion facts to solve this week's problem! Scroll down to see the solution.. it's haunting us!


Question: Peter and Ray walk 4½ miles to get to the library to investigate some paranormal activity. If they can walk 3 miles in 1 hour, then how many minutes does it take them to get to the library?


Solution: Since 3 miles goes into 4½ miles 1 times, it takes Peter and Ray 1½ hours to walk to the library. An hour is 60 minutes, so 1½ hours is 60 × 1½ = 90 minutes.