Tips for Parents Adjusting to Home Distance Learning

Apr 22, 2020 | Chula Vista

For many families, the adjustment to home distance learning is just as stressful for parents as for students, if not even more so. For most parents, the most overwhelming task when adjusting to home distance learning is keeping their child motivated and engaged. Students can find it very easy to approach the transition to home learning as an early start to summer vacation rather than just as important or as much of a priority as traditional classroom time. In this week's update, we've included some helpful tips for parents to ensure their students' success during the transition to remote learning.

  1. Creating Structure - Having a dedicated learning space and a routine for learning time can help students stay focused on academics; while students and parents might not have control over what's being covered for school, current events, or schools transitioning home learning, creating a routine for learning will help you and your student feel more stable and productive during worktime.
  2. Take Breaks - Taking breaks is even more important during home distance learning, not just to prevent burnout or loss of motivation, but also to manage screen time. 
  3. Don't Forget to Socialize - One of the hardest things on students that plays a pivotal role in their ability to self motivate is quality time with friends, family, and peers. Students during this transition are greatly missing their friends, teachers, extracurriculars, communities, and hobbies. Partner up with parents, friends, and the community to spend some quality time together from home using FaceTime, Zoom, or another resource.
  4. Create a New Normal - Students are incredibly resilient, but keeping everything structured while still fresh every day keeps their minds active and engaged - reading time, craft time, game time, and other hobbies or enrichment can easily be integrated into their more flexible learning now from home. Some routines from before students were staying at home can also be integrated smoothly into this new normal - things like book clubs or other clubs can still meet, and even many services have been transitioned to be accessed remotely, like Mathnasium @home.

Finally, we encourage parents and families to remember that they need not be isolated even while staying safe and comfortable at home. Homework and learning time can be overwhelming for many parents who have been thrown into the role of primary educator, but there are many services and programs in place to alleviate that strain on parents. Call us today at 619-946-5686 to schedule your student's demo session with Mathnasium @home and see if we're a part of your family's new normal!