Eagan Blog

Fashion Designers - How Do They Use Math?

Mar 21, 2023 | Eagan Blog

Math is a crucial component of fashion design. Fashion industry producers use math to produce their clothing on a daily basis. Some of these tasks include fitting model garments, maintaining size uniformity, and mapping a two-dimensional pattern to fit a three-dimensional body Let’s take a look at some great examples in this blog.

Amazing Pi fun facts

Mar 14, 2023 | Eagan Blog

Pi has numerous applications in mathematics, science, and engineering, including geometry, trigonometry, calculus, physics, statistics, and more. Its ubiquity and importance make it one of the most famous and fascinating mathematical constants in the world. Let’s find out more in this blog.

The Unbelievable History of Pi

Mar 8, 2023 | Eagan Blog

Pi is the most studied number in mathematics, and for good reason. The number pi is integral to our understanding of geometry. Pi has uses in physics, astronomy, and mathematics. Pi is used in architecture and construction as well and has been a vital part of everything from arches and bridges to the Pyramids of Giza.

Family math night

Mar 1, 2023 | Eagan Blog

Math can be fun for the whole family! Play board games or do puzzles together, start a family activity or project, and discover ways to include math appreciation into your Family Game Night. Have a special math-themed family night and see how much fun you can have with numbers!

Math Plays A Key Role in Swimming!

Feb 22, 2023 | Eagan Blog

Using Math in sports has become more common over the years. For instance, take swimming, swimming has several different course and stroke variables. Results from a short course (25 yards) or a longer course (50 meters), can be converted by a coach to make projections for how a swimmer might perform in another race.

Is there a reason why a circle is 360 degrees?

Feb 14, 2023 | Eagan Blog

You might be familiar with the fact that there are 360 degrees in a full circle. By splitting a circle up into 360 equal slices we can measure any angle. But why do we use 360°? You might be surprised but there are actually a number of reasons for this specific number. Find out more in this blog.

Fibonacci Sequence: Crown jewels of mathematics

Feb 7, 2023 | Eagan Blog

In many ways, the Fibonacci sequence is one of the crown jewels of mathematics. With its simplistic yet elegant internal structure, and its ability to describe the patterning of so many non-mathematical entities, the Fibonacci Sequence has taken on an almost mystical value for some people.

Bees, The Math-Savvy Insect

Jan 31, 2023 | Eagan Blog

Bees are impressive creatures, powering entire ecosystems via pollination and making sweet honey. But it turns out the little striped insects are also quite clever. A new study suggests that, despite having tiny brains, bees understand the mathematical concepts of addition and subtraction. Find out more about this wild topic in our blog.

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