Our staff is built to teach each student individually, to develop the skills they need to thrive in mathematics, and to foster a love of learning.

Benedict Zoe

Owner/Center Director
Benedict Zoe holds a Bachelor's of Electrical Engineering and a Masters of Electrical and Biomedical Engineering from New Jersey Institute of Technology. His career spans over 30 years from engineering at AT&T Bell Laboratories to financial systems on Wall Street, and information technologies at Bloomberg and Google. He was also an educator at Fairleigh Dickinson University. Juggling multiple responsibilities give Benedict insight into how various professional domains intersect. He notes that being successful requires strong problem solving skills of various types. Math in particular is a solution tool for all disciplines, from fundamental education and research, to revenue producing engineering and business. Math directly underpins the explosive growth of technology, and more recently, internet driven businesses from sales (Amazon to Zillow), information (Google to Yahoo), and socializing (Facebook to Twitter). From Main Street to Wall Street, math skills are needed everywhere. Math is so important that Benedict believes in the gift of individualized teaching afforded by the Mathnasium system. Mathnasium provides children with the opportunity to learn math in the way that makes sense to them; and that sensibility will provide a sense of accomplishment that instills confidence for mastering all disciplines.

Our Mathnasium Mission

Teach children math so they understand it, master it, and love it. Math can change their lives, and they can change the world.

What I love about Mathnasium is the ability to teach problem-solving skills and make math make sense, while also making a student smile.
Amber W., Mathnasium Instructor

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