Word Problem Wednesday: The Logic Machines

Apr 17, 2019 | Cutler Bay

First A, then B, then C. 

It’s so comforting when events follow a logical progression, and this logic is a wonderfully mathematical concept. Any great math tutoring service will address logical thinking, and our Mathnasium math learning centers help students with their logic skills both inside and outside the classroom.

This week’s word problem challenge gives students the opportunity not only to sharpen their logic skills, but also to practice other elementary math skills such as addition, subtraction and multiplication. Are you up for the challenge? We know you can do it!

Read the question, take your time working out your solution, and be sure to come back tomorrow to check your solution against ours.

Question: Machine A doubles a number. Machine B adds 2 to a number. Machine C subtracts 3 from a number. What will happen to the number 10 if we put it through all of the machines in alphabetical order?


Live long and prosper.