Pi Day, math's biggest day of the year, is just around the corner, and we're planning a party! Mathnasium will celebrate Pi in all kinds of fun and tasty ways. There will be pie, pizza, games, activities, rewards, a Pi Day Champion contest, and a raffle!
Everyone's invited — including parents and friends! So mark your calendars and join us on 3.14 (March 14) for our Pi Day celebration!
March 14, 2024
5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Mathnasium of Central Park
10355 MLK Jr Blvd #140
Central Park, CO
(720) 550-7427
This is going to be an event you'll remember. RSVP by 3/12/24 at the link below, and we'll see you on March 14!
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