See Your Child's Brain Change While Doing Math (Literally)

Jan 26, 2021 | Cherry Creek

There's a lot going on in your child's brain when they're learning math. The parietal lobe and the frontal lobe are pretty busy firing nuerons and recalling information. A recent study from The New York Times shows that our brains go through stages while thinking through a math problem..... so let's take a look:

John Anderson from Carnegie Mellon University conducted the research and found that there are 4 distinct phases that occur while the brain is solving a math problem

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First, we have the Encoding Phase: where the brain reads and understands the math problem.

Second, we have the Planning Phase: when the brain begins working on how to tackle the math problem.

Third, we have the Solving Phase: here the brain begins crunching numbers.

Lastly, we have the Responding Phase: when we input our answer.

So in essence, whenever we practice math our brain is being trained to reach conclusions and overcome problems. Cool, huh? (Pretty sure we all could benefit from this type of training.)

And if you're afraid your child's brain isn't up to the challenge, Jo Boaler from TEDX Stanford debunks a common math myth, "That there is such a thing as a math brain, and you're born with it or your not" Science tells us that that is simply false. Brains can change.

At Mathnasium of Cherry Creek, we know that your child's brain can change. We love it when it happens, too.

When kids' ability to do math increases, their confidence skyrockets. And when they have confidence in math they start telling themselves things like this:

"I can figure this out"

"I am good at math"

"I understand this now"

At Mathnasium of Cherry Creek we see results. Parents are noticing too! Read what these parents have to say:

<div class="comment" style="box-sizing: border-box; clear: both; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"> It is wonderful to watch our children's comfort and facility with math increase and Mathnasium has played a very important role in this!

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