Your First Day at Mathnasium!

Nov 19, 2021 | Cherry Hill

   So you’ve seen about us, called our center, and set up your assessment. Congratulations, you’re putting your student on the road to success.  They may be a little nervous coming in for the first time, but fear not because we have put together this quick run-through of what you can expect when coming in!


First, you will meet with our incredible center director Stephanie. She will give your child their comprehensive assessment to help them put together their custom learning plan.

Whether they need help in algebra, geometry, or trigonometry, this is the point at which we identify their specific learning needs. 


Once they complete their assessment, the center director will draw up their syllabus to know what to expect. No two Mathnasium syllabi are the same; each considers and caters to the student’s needs. 


The next step is learning the standard procedures and learning the layout of the center. 


After that, they get to walk past the prize cabinet! These are the students’ incentives incentive to thrive and meet their goals. Kids get to decide what they want to win and how they will earn it!


Next, they get to meet their tutor. Our entire staff is expertly trained and so excited to help your child learn how to harness their math powers. 


The final step, and easily our favorite, is decorating your binder! Now is when your student will keep all of their work. We want each student to show off what makes them unique, so we encourage them to bring in stickers, draw, and in any way they come up with to show off their unique style. 


Mathnasium of Cherry Hill creates a welcoming and encouraging environment focused on helping each student that comes through our door thrive. 


We look forward to meeting you and your student!