Phase 1 Reopening Safety Measures

May 11, 2020 | Clear Lake

Please See Our Phase 1 Reopening Safety Measures Below:



By Appointment Only - All in-center sessions will need to be scheduled. 

Drop Off - We will have a staging area at the front of the center to help keep all students at least 6 feet apart.

Waiting area - In the interest of reducing the number of extra people in the centers, we are making sure that no one can sit in the waiting areas (i.e. guardians are asked to drop-off and pick-up only).

Health Check - Each student’s temperature will be taken before they can enter. Any student with a temperature above 100 will not be allowed in the center.

Check-in - We will Check-in and Check-out students, no students will need to use the tablet. 

Hand Washing - Each student must wash their hands as soon as they enter the center. All center staff will need to immediately wash their hands upon arrival and also do so every hour.

Masks - As per CDC guidelines, all students and instructors will be required to wear a mask during their time in the center.

Spacing - We will adhere to the CDC and governor seating, capacity and social distancing guidelines.

Sanitizing - We are frequently disinfecting high-touch surfaces, such as tables, chairs, door handles, light switches, etc. Each student work area will be sanitized before and after their sessions.   

Pencils - Each student will have their own pencils to keep in their binder. There will be no sharing.

Games / Manipulatives - During this period, we will not be using games or manipulatives.

We know this is a lot of information but we want to reiterate again that our top priority is the safety of your family and ours.