All school work is homework now and parents are struggling to keep up with this new normal. Typically, parents want to run in the opposite direction when it comes to math. Use these tips to help your elementary and middle school children learn to think and solve problems themselves.
- Be positive: Avoid telling your children how much you hate math. A positive attitude goes a long way! Emphasize that you understand that a problem is tricky and the focus should be on the process of solving it together.
- Draw pictures: Drawing a sketch helps children 'see' what is happening in a problem in a clear way
- Encourage specificity: Ask which part of the problem is confusing. Start at the beginning and try to have your kid talk through parts that are unclear. Even if you can't explain, you and your kids will be able to share with their teacher the specific step or concept that's causing frustration
- Help them slow down: There's a big difference between speed and mastery of a skill. Rushing typically leads to misreading, making errors, and skipping problems.
- Let us take the burden of teaching away from you! Join Mathnasium today and you'll never have to help your child with their math homework again!

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