Ways to Combat the Back-to-School Scaries

Aug 22, 2024 | Naples

As the summer continues to wind down, the back-to-school scaries become more real! President of Mathnasium, Kama Friedman, joined PHL7 with how best to kick off the new school year. 

“American Education Journal cites 52% of students lose about 39% of what they learned the previous year. Twenty five percent of that loss is in math so more than half of the loss comes with math,” said Kama Friedman. 

Confidence is key to a successful school year. 

“Once you can show children not only that they can succeed but how they can succeed, they can take off from there.” 

Other important factors to help your child thrive this school year include a good night’s sleep, a concrete plan, and a growth mindset. 

“Children are like little sponges. They want to absorb all of that knowledge so let them do that and come to their own likes and dislikes and struggles and just help them build the confidence.”

Source: Jenna Meissner, “Ways to Combat the Back-to-School Scaries,” PHL17.com, August 22, 2024, https://phl17.com/phl17-news/ways-to-combat-the-back-to-school-scaries/.