Trigonometric Applications in Real Life

Jan 17, 2023 | Roslyn

The word Trigonometry originated from the Greek word, Τριγωνoμετρία, which means three + angles + to measure. (That’s a mouthful) Trigonometry is a discipline of mathematics concerned with triangles, particularly triangles with a single 90-degree angle known as the right triangle. Trigonometry is one of the most frequently used math disciplines in our day-to-day lives. We use it in architecture, science, medicine, aviation, and others, the only thing is that we are unaware of its applications and its uses. Let's have a look at some of the Trigonometry applications in our daily lives.

Trigonometry to Measure the Height of a Building or a Mountain The distance from where a structure is viewed and its angle of elevation can easily be used to determine the height of a structure in trigonometry; similarly, we can use trigonometry to calculate the height of monuments, statues, mountains, and other high-rise buildings. Measuring fields, constructing parallel and perpendicular walls, and putting up ceramic tiles are a few other examples where architecture requires trigonometry.

Trigonometry in Video games Have you noticed how effortlessly cartoons glide over obstacles when you watch cartoon characters? Do you think the cartoon jumps and glides? The cartoon doesn’t actually jump straight along the Y-axis; instead, it follows a slightly curved or parabolic path to appear to naturally avoid obstructions. The cartoon can leap over these barriers appearing more believable with the help of trigonometry applications.

Trigonometry in Aviation Aviation technology has advanced significantly. In addition to considering the aircraft's speed, distance, and direction, pilots must also consider the wind's speed and direction. If a plane is flying at a certain speed in a northeast direction and the wind is blowing due south, the wind will affect the plane's arrival time. Trigonometry applications will assist in determining the third side of the triangle, which will direct the plane in the correct direction; the plane will actually travel with the force of the wind added to its trajectory.

Trigonometry in Marine Biology Marine biologists use trigonometry to determine the depth of sunlight that affects algae photosynthesis. It is possible for marine biologists to estimate the size of larger animals like whales and to understand their behavior hours using trigonometric functions and mathematical models.

Trigonometry in Criminology Trigonometry is even used in the investigation of a crime scene. Using trigonometry, detectives can calculate the trajectory of a projectile or estimate the causes of a car accident. Further, it is used to identify how an object falls or at what angle the gun is shot.

Trigonometry in Navigation To get a straight direction, trigonometry is used to estimate where to place the compass. With the help of a compass and trigonometric functions in navigation, it will be easy to pinpoint a location and also to find distance as well to see the horizon.

Trigonometry in Music You can create your own sounds using sine waves from trigonometry. Sine waves are single notes, but chords are made up of numerous sine waves. Music directors can achieve the desired sound by understanding how these components interact, using digital instruments to calibrate the waves and subsequent sounds they produce.

Trigonometry in Astronomy A human's fascination with the solar system goes back thousands of years. The distance between Earth and the stars can be determined using trigonometry by astronomers. When scientists develop and launch space shuttles and rockets, they utilize trigonometric identities to determine the distances between planets and stars. In this blog, we also learned how to apply Trigonometry and reap benefits in our daily lives. We need to acknowledge that math is everywhere around us, we have to look deeper.