Math has SO many different applications, and there are plenty of career fields that make use of math. Especially in the sciences (which is really just applied mathematics), a good understanding of math concepts and reasoning is critical. For neuroscientist Dani Smith, math plays a vital role in her work: targeting specific genes to treat ADHD, Depression, Alzheimer’s, and other neurological diseases. Using various math concepts, Dr. Smith seeks to understand the underlying concepts that create behavior.
“Our behavior is our gauge of how the brain is functioning,” she said. “We don’t worry about our brain unless our behavior is unacceptable or outside the norm; then we worry about what’s ‘wrong’ with our brain.”
Dr. Smith, like so many scientists working for good all across the globe, relies on her understanding of math and science to do her work. Without a knowledge of even the most basic concepts, she would not be able to accomplish the things she strives for. To read the full article about Dani Smith and her work, as well as learn more about math and science applications, check out this article on the Mathnasium website. Be sure to keep following our blog for more updates and information!