Why You Should Teach Math at an Early Age

Aug 13, 2020 | Stone Oak

Math, much like reading and writing, is a core skill necessary for success in everyday life and many parents struggle with guessing the right age to teach their children mathematics. The question may seem tough to answer, but it is actually quite simple: the earlier the better. 

Learning math at an early age can lead to many other achievements. A Doctor of Philosophy and researcher at Northwestern University, by the name of Greg Duncan found that the “single most important factor in predicting later academic achievement is that children begin school with a mastery of early math and literacy concepts.” He further discusses how students that are taught math at an early age are more likely capable of a lifetime achievement in all aspects of their academic performance. 

Although it is slightly unrealistic for a young child to grasp certain advanced math concepts, exposing children to simpler topics such as counting and numbers, can lead to a successful understanding of math. Instead of waiting to teach your children math because of their young age, it is beneficial to introduce them to the subject and have them practice it frequently. 

The following list offers ways that you can assist your child with understanding math as young as 6 months old: 

  • When encountering two or more similar objects while at home or out with your child, simply ask your child “How many?”

  • Play simple board games 

  • Sing songs and read stories that involve counting numbers 

Young children are very capable of understanding concepts of counting and numbers at a very early stage in their life and parents should take advantage of this stage by teaching and then enhancing their math skills.



The best way to see if we are a good fit for your child’s needs is to visit our center, meet the instructors and get a Complimentary Math Skills Assessment. 


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