FAQ Mathnasium@Home

Mar 31, 2020 | Tuskawilla



What is @Home?

  • Mathnasium @Home is the same quality math education you’re used to from Mathnasium delivered on a new online platform. â€‹â€‹

How does Mathnasium@Home work?

  • Students and instructors will log onto our virtual classroom to work together, just like in the center!
  • We’ll prepare a customized learning plan for your student based on their most recent assessment. If you’ve been attending in center, your student’s learning plan has been digitized so they can pick up right where they left off.
  • Instructors will work with students at up to a 3:1 ratio, where as the centers were at a 4:1 ratio.​

Do visits have to be scheduled? What times can students "attend"?

  • Yes, visits do have to be scheduled! Please speak with your Center Manager and center directly to request your scheduled dates & times.
  • We’ve expanded our hours of operation to better meet the needs of families while their students are out of school. @Home instruction will be available 5 days a week. 

How long are sessions?

  • Session type based on your current grade level in school - not your Mathnasium level
  • Below Algebra 1 - 60 minutes
  • Algebra 1 and above - 90 minutes​

Can you help with schoolwork?

  • Absolutely! You can email your Center Director a picture or scan of your student’s homework and we’ll include it in their next math session.
  • It would be very helpful to send us the homework, in advance, so we can prepare and upload the work to our online platform.

Do we have to share audio/video?

  • Audio and video sharing are highly recommended but not required. There is a chat feature in the classroom that will allow students to type their questions, but we’ve found it much quicker and easier to communicate with students verbally. This will also mimic their experience in-center!

Do I need any special software or equipment? 

  • You just need a laptop and a decent internet connection! 
  • Headphones are recommended to minimize distractions during your student’s session.
  • Students are welcome to use Wacom boards, mouse pens, and touch-screen laptops if they wish. These are not necessary, normal instruction can take place with a mouse and keyboard!​​
  • iPads and mobile Apple devices are not supported by the platform at this time.
  • Some laptops with restrictions do not allow our platform. If you are logging on with a school-provided laptop, it may not be able to load the classroom.

Do I need to pay extra?

  • Nope! Mathnasium@Home is the same cost as in-center instruction.

Can I switch between regular and online? Or supplement regular visits with online?

  • Because we create a specialized curriculum for students, it isn’t possible for us to switch them back and forth between online and in person quickly. Because of this we require you to commit to one method of instruction for each calendar month.
  • You should communicate with your Center Director about your student’s needs to pick the best delivery method for them.

How do I sign up? 

  • We’re currently working to get all of our current families situated on the new platform before we enroll any new customers. If you’re a current family, you should have already received information about the onboarding process. If you’re a new or returning family, please fill out the lead form above and we’ll contact you!