Center Reopening Parent FAQ

May 11, 2020 | West University

Covid-19 Parent FAQ


How are you cleaning the center?

Following CDC guidelines our center is fully equipped with approved cleaning products. Our staff has been fully trained on how to use these products in the appropriate manner to ensure the safety of our students and the effectiveness of the products. All surfaces will be cleaned after each session/student contact as well as hourly. We’re also allowing for deep cleaning at the end of each day.


How are you ensuring your team members are safe?

Our teams are going through extensive training to ensure the safety of themselves and our families. This includes cleaning, utilization of personal protective equipment (PPE), and proper social distancing.


Who will walk the students out after their session?

Staff members who have been trained to maintain safe practices.


What happens if a student or team member becomes ill or infected?

Procedures are in place, and our staff has been trained to follow CDC guidelines. If at any point during their time in the center they begin to show symptoms of illness they will immediately be sent home and said procedures will begin. Before entrance, employees and students will have their temperatures taken and a health questionnaire will be completed.


If my student shows signs and is sent home, what is required to return back to the center?

Please see your medical provider, as they will be able to provide a note of clearance to return to the center.


What if I’m exposed to a confirmed COVID-19 positive but NOT experiencing any symptoms may I be allowed to attend in the center?

Contact your Center Manager immediately and you can discuss options for attending Mathnasium@Home or seek medical attention/clearance to return to in center.


I don’t want my child to wear a mask.

The CDC is recommending all persons wear a mask if out in public. For the safety of our staff, students, and families we are going to follow this recommendation. If your student is uncomfortable with this process we offer Mathnasium@Home as an alternative that offers the same great instruction from the comfort of your own home.


I don’t want my child’s temperature checked.

The CDC recommends temperature screening for all patrons. For the safety of our staff, students, and families we are going to follow this recommendation. If your student is uncomfortable with this process we offer Mathnasium@Home as an alternative that offers the same great instruction from the comfort of your own home.


Why is my student only allowed to attend the center 2 times per week?

- Because of restrictions imposed by the CDC, we are going to allow for 2 sessions to start. We will evaluate these restrictions as we move forward

- Research shows retention levels are diminished when a student visits more than 2-3 times per week.

- Lower attendance leads to more benefits including:

  • Better prepared sessions to deliver a higher quality learning experience. 

    • More organized/better education - Binders and curriculum are prepared for the day and homework will be reviewed by the team before each session

    • 3-1 instructor to student ratio instead of 4 - Allowing the instructors to spend more time with each student to increase learning opportunities