Mathnasium Identifies Six Signs That Your Child is Struggling with Math

Nov 12, 2013

Identifying the problem is the first step to solving it. 

With school back in full swing, students are now moving quickly through new, more advanced math ideas. Since math builds from one concept to the next, falling behind becomes progressively worse as the year wears on.

If a child is having a hard time keeping up in math, it's important to act now, before it becomes an even bigger problem. Fortunately, there are many tell-tale signs that a child is falling behind—parents simply need to know what to look for.

"Kids aren't likely to speak up when they don't understand math. Once they've fallen behind, homework and classwork can become frustrating and kids are likely to just give up. It's important for parents to address the problem early on so they can take the necessary steps to get their child back on track. The first step, of course, is recognizing a problem exists," said Larry Martinek, Chief Instructional Officer at Mathnasium, the nation's leading math-only learning center franchise.

Continue reading Mathnasium Identifies Six Signs That Your Child is Struggling with Math, to see the six signs Larry has identified over the years that suggest a child is struggling with math.

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