It's Back to the Future Day!

Oct 21, 2015

Grab your hoverboards—the future is HERE: October 21, 2015 is Back to the Future Day! For background purposes, in Back to the Future II, Marty McFly travels forward in time from 1985, landing in the future on October 21, 2015.

Today, we’re celebrating with Marty, Doc, and a fun word problem! Give it a try—we’ll post the answers tomorrow. 

Fifteen seconds pass inside the DeLorean for every 10 years it travels through time. Marty gets in the DeLorean today, October 21, 2015, and accidentally bumps the controls. Four minutes pass inside the DeLorean before it reaches its destination. When in time could Marty exit the DeLorean? (Hint: The DeLorean travels backward and forward.)

How are you celebrating Back to the Future Day?

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اكتشِف كيف ستعمل طريقة "ماثنيزيوم" لطفلك. o

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طريقتنا تعمل

تلتقي ماثنيسيوم بطفلك أينما كان وتساعده في البرنامج المخصص الذي يحتاجه، لأي مستوى من مستويات الرياضيات.

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