It's a Pancake Day Word Problem Giveaway!

Feb 9, 2016

We're celebrating Pancake Day with a very special, very pancakey word problem giveaway in collaboration with author and math educator Lucy Ravitch! To join, solve our word problem and submit your answer to [email protected] by Tuesday, February 16! One lucky winner will receive a copy of Lucy's awesome math activity book, The Pancake Menu!

Mary made pancakes for a breakfast feast for her family and friends. Half of the pancakes she made are strawberry pancakes, two-fifths of the pancakes she made are blueberry pancakes, and the remaining 5 pancakes are banana pancakes. How many strawberry pancakes did Mary make?

We'll be spotlighting Lucy and The Pancake Menu later in the week—stay tuned for more on this talented and creative author and educator!

اكتشِف كيف ستعمل طريقة "ماثنيزيوم" لطفلك. o

أجب على بعض الأسئلة لمعرفة المزيد.

طفلي هو


طريقتنا تعمل

تلتقي ماثنيسيوم بطفلك أينما كان وتساعده في البرنامج المخصص الذي يحتاجه، لأي مستوى من مستويات الرياضيات.

ساعد طفلك على اكتشاف إمكانياته في الرياضيات

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