Gifted and Advanced Math Learners Excel with Mathnasium of Tallahassee

Aug 1, 2022 | Tallahassee

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Today, there is a lot of conversation regarding the math learning losses students experienced due to Covid related school disruptions.

Often overlooked in these discussions, is how academically advanced and gifted students can be nurtured to stay ahead and excel to their fullest potential in math, including in the classroom, math competitions, and enrichment learning opportunities.

Families seeking experiences that enrich their child’s math learning find Mathnasium of Tallahassee’s approach for gifted and advanced math students – assessments, personalized learning plans, higher order thinking activities -- leads to true math understanding.

Mathnasium of Tallahassee Mathletes evolve from those with computational knowledge to those with a deeper understanding of the “hows” and “whys.” Our program and instruction nurture a true math analysis and data synthesis mind set.

In short, our gifted and advanced math students excel in both knowing math concepts and knowing how to apply those concepts based on the information presented … word problems, data charts, real world situations, etc.

Often, in other learning environments, students are simply exposed to rote calculation of an equation.

However, mathematically gifted students want to explore the relationships between concepts and ideas vs. simply the steps necessary to arrive at the correct answer.

Mathnasium of Tallahassee’s strategies, teaching methods and proprietary materials are designed to help advanced and gifted math students achieve their learning goals.

Pre-Enrollment Assessment

Utilizing a data driven diagnostic approach through Mathnasium of Tallahassee’s pre-assessment, both verbal and written, we can get an accurate evaluation a child’s math ability. This includes identifying:

• skills and concepts mastered • skills and concepts that have not yet been introduced • skills and concepts that need further strengthening

This diagnostic testing provides the foundation for personalized instruction, eliminating unnecessary repetition in a Mathlete’s curriculum.

Personalized Learning Plans

Most advanced math students have mastery of the basic skills for their grade level. With a data-driven, personalized student learning plan, Mathnasium of Tallahassee reduces activities that may be redundant for gifted students. This allows students to accelerate their math abilities through the introduction of advanced concepts, in-depth topic studies, and real-world applicability and problem-solving skills.

Higher Order Thinking Activities

Gifted and advanced math students can often arrive at the correct answer to a problem via different paths and strategies and should not be penalized for not following more traditional step-by-step assignments. Mathnasium of Tallahassee’s instructor team acknowledges an open-ended, multiple solutions approach, to problem solving. Our curriculum and instruction encourages analysis and critical thinking that leads to overall math improvement but helps students improve their skills for math competitions, Mini Mu tests, the DukeTIP or Stanford EPGY programs, and other tests that require students to understand how to apply concepts in a strategic manner.

At Mathnasium of Tallahassee, we love math. We love using it, talking about it, and teaching it. Math is exciting, fun, and interesting. Our team of expert math instructors is the solution for math enrichment and support for students who are in gifted and advanced math classes at in elementary school, middle school, high school and home school.