Fall Math Tutoring Lessons are the most important for a successful math year.

Sep 21, 2020 | Vista


We are getting buzy again and for good reason.  This academic situation we are in is difficult for everyone.  We are seeing three categories of students who are coming in for math instruction this fall: very behind, behind, and not being challenged at all.  We are helping them all to maximize their math level with custom programs specific to their needs.  We are providing lessons and homework help for distance learning situations in addition to in person learning.

We have children in high school working on some elementary math because they need to.  They need to establish a strong math foundation to be able to function effectively with anything related to math.  We also have middle school students working on high school math because they were not getting challenged enough in their current math classes.  

Regardless, we are here to help and we can help.  We can turn math into an asset for your child.  

