Have you ever wondered what goes on inside Mathnasium of Algonquin?

Jan 13, 2023 | Algonquin

Today you’ll get a glimpse into the happenings of your local center as we follow students through their first experience at Mathnasium of Algonquin.

Q: What is the first thing a brand new student does at your center?

A: Decorate their binders.

Q: What is the comprehensive assessment? How long does it take to finish?

A: The comprehensive assessment is usually 1 hour long and it gives us an idea of the gaps that the student has and aids us to develop the most suitable customized learning plan for them. It is very important for the Mathnasium method as it helps us to cater the individual Math learning needs of the students. It helps us to identify the areas that need to be worked upon and focus on them to ensure that the results are as desired.

Q: How often should I bring my student to Mathnasium of Algonquin?

A: Twice a week!

Q: Who are the people teaching my child?

A: Our instructors are people who love Math and are really good at it. We have instructors who are Math teachers at different schools, a few who are continuing their college degrees and some who are highschool seniors, taking advance Math courses.

Q: When can I bring my child into Mathnasium of Algonquin?

A: We are very flexible at our scheduling, we are open from Mon-Thurs from 3:30-7:30 and are even open on Sunday mornings from 10-2 to cater the needs of our students.

Q: How do you motivate your students at Mathnasium of Algonquin?

A: We have our reward cabinets, the brag board and intiatives such as our student of the month that encourage and motivate students to perform their best.