Middle School Program Samples
The curriculum samples shown here represent critical topics we address at each grade level. An asterisk (*) indicates program elements covered at Mathnasium that are not typically covered in most school programs.
6th Grade
- Find 0, 10, 25, 33 1/3, 50, 66 2/3, 75, 100, 200, and 250 percent of selected numbers.
- Find "7% of 300" for multiples and sub–multiples of 100 mentally.
Properties of Numbers
- Explain how the identity for multiplication ["Every number times one (1) equals itself."] is used in renaming fractions.
- Explain how the identity for division ["Every number divided by one (1) equals itself."] is used in reducing fractions.
- Explain why division by zero (0) is not allowed.
Fractional Parts
- Knowing that "a quarter of" and "one-fourth of" mean the same thing
- Find half and a quarter of all whole numbers up to 100.
- Find three–quarters, one–third, and two–thirds of selected whole numbers and fractions.
- Count by 1/2s, 1/4s, 3/4s, 1/3s, 2/3s, 11/2s, 21/2s.
- Count by 0.1s.
- "Half of what number is …?" for whole numbers and appropriate fractions
- "A quarter of what number is …?" for whole numbers and appropriate fractions
- Find "2/3 of 12" for appropriate fractions and whole numbers.
7th and 8th Grades
Fractional Parts
- Find the part when the fractional part and whole are given.
- "2/3 of 24 equals what number?"
- Find the whole when the fractional part and part are given.
- "3/4 of what number equals 9?"
- Find the fractional part when the whole and part are given.
- "8 is what part of 12?"
Proportional Thinking
"The distance around the Earth is about 24,000 miles. At 3 inches for every 500 miles, about how many inches would it take to represent the distance around the Earth?"
Rational Numbers
The meaning of rational numbers
- Comparing and ordering rational numbers
- Locating rational numbers on the number line
- Computation (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division)
- Negative exponents
- Word problems
The Language of Algebra
- Symbols
- Variables
- Terms and expressions
- Mathematical sentences
- Open sentences
- Equations and inequalities