Please See Our Reopening Safety Measures Below:
Drop Off - We will have an area at the front of the center to help keep all students at least 6 feet apart.
Waiting area - In the interest of reducing the number of extra people in the center, we are making sure that only students sit in the waiting areas (i.e. guardians are asked to drop-off and pick-up only).
Health Check - Each staff and student’s temperature will be taken before they can enter. Any staff or student with a temperature above 100 will not be allowed in the center.
Hand Sanitation - All staff and students must sanitize their hands as soon as they enter the center.
Masks - As per CDC guidelines, all students and staff will be required to wear a mask during their time in the center.
Check-in - We will Check-in and Check-out students, no students will need to use the tablet.
Social Distance - We will adhere to the CDC guidelines for seating capacity and social distancing.
Pencils - Each student will have their own pencils to keep in their binder. There will be no sharing.
We know this is a lot of information but we want to reiterate again that our top priority is the safety of your family and ours.