Q: How does Mathnasium celebrate its student's success?
A: We celebrate our student's success by putting their names up on a brag board for 100% on math quizzes/tests, and also for their best score yet on a math quiz/test. Twice a year, we draw the names that are up on the board to win a cash prize!
Q: Tell me about student’s reactions to having their work on the brag board.
A: Students are so excited to come in and tell us what they have done on a quiz or a test. You can tell that they are proud of themselves and want to share it with us.
Q: What kind of work gets put up?
A: The work that gets put up are 100% on quizzes/tests and best scores yet.
Q: Do you have a favorite memory of the Brag Board?
A: We had a student, who had gotten a 100% on a few tests, and was so excited and proud to see her name up on the board a few times.