16 New Year’s Resolutions for Kids to Have a Successful 2018 in Math

Jan 4, 2018 | Bryan

New Year’s Day is a great time kids reflect how they might to improve their life.  At Mathnasium of Bryan, we encourage kids to make a resolution that will help them be successful in math in 2018 and beyond.

To help kids choose New Year’s resolutions, we came up with 16 ideas that will enable them to have their best math year yet. Sit down with your children and discuss the resolutions. Together, choose one or two of the resolutions that will most help them succeed in math.

  1. Ask a question in math class every day.
  2. Work to understand math at the conceptual level.
  3. Spend 5 minutes after completing any math assignment to double check work for accuracy.
  4. Turn in all math homework on time.
  5. Ask for help with math when you are stuck.
  6. Study for math tests at least a week in advance.
  7. Take the no-risk math assessment at Mathnasium to check for math gaps. If there are any math gaps, make sure to fix them.
  8. Review mistakes to learn from them and improve future performance. 
  9. Go to Mathnasium twice a week.
  10. Start every math assignment with a “can-do” attitude. 
  11. Try a project that will use math.
  12. Join a math club.
  13. Compete in a math competition.
  14. Play a math game as a family once per week.
  15. Start preparing for the math portion of the PSAT, SAT, or ACT.
  16.  Increase your child’s stamina to be able to focus on math for one hour blocks.

You probably noticed that the resolutions don’t include “get an A in math.” Kids often want better grades but they don’t know how to do it.  Resolutions 1- 9 will help the child get better grades.  Resolutions 9-14 will help a child like math more. Resolutions 15 and 16 will help your child test well on college entrance exams.

Give us a call today to talk about how to make 2018 a great math year for your son or daughter! (979) 221-1558

Learn more about how Mathnasium can help your child.

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