Q: With so many tutoring options out there, what do you think makes parents choose Mathnasium?
Parent: Parents choose Mathnasium of Chandler because we make it fun and flexible, and we genuinely care about helping students succeed.
Q: What makes Mathnasium different from other tutoring options?
Instructor: We go much deeper than just tutoring. We start with an in-depth assessment and when students attend, we build a solid foundation AND help with things from class. We never assign homework but students can always rely on us to help with their homework.
Q: What would you say to parents who are considering Mathnasium?
Instructor: Your children will love Mathnasium! Struggling with math is never fun to deal with, but at Mathnasium, your kids will navigate their difficulties in the presence of instructors and peers who truly care about them and are rooting for their success! At Mathnasium, everyone is welcome. :-)
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