Ideas for Foundational Strengthening

Jun 23, 2023 | Chula Vista

Building a strong foundation in math is crucial for students' academic success. Parents can help by incorporating fun activities with their students so they can build and strengthen foundational skills.

Here are some tips and ideas:

Math Story Time: Read math-related storybooks aloud to children

Kitchen Math: Involve kids in cooking or baking activities, encouraging them to measure ingredients, count portions, and follow recipes.

Math Board Games: Play board games that incorporate math, such as Monopoly to promote strategic thinking, problem-solving, and mathematical reasoning while providing a fun and competitive atmosphere!

Math Art: Combine creativity and math by engaging children in art projects that involve geometric shapes, symmetry, or patterns.

These interactive and engaging methods help students have a positive attitude towards math and make them excited to learn. Through their time here at Mathnasium, we can then build upon these skills and challenge students through creating enrichment programs for them!

Come into Mathnasium of Chula Vista in Bonita today, call in at 619-946-5686 or Book your own Free Consultation and Free Assessment online!

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