Mathnasium: The Tutor Paradox and Finding a Balance

Dec 30, 2020 | Chula Vista
This year has forced many guardians to take on the role of educator. Families have had to balance a new virtual learning environment with their work schedules, which can become particularly stressful days before a big homework assignment due date or exam. 
This stress and feeling of defeat has prompted families to seek out new resources to ensure their student is able to make it through the school year.

So what resources are available and how do they compare?

Along with many new experiences, this year has also produced new resources that are available to the community: pod-tutoring and at-home tutors have become popular options.
At-home tutors draw their popularily from being cost-efficient and convenient for families. But they are not the only option!

So how does the Mathnasium program differ?

Mathnasium has been a proven solution to thousands of families all over the world. The reason our students succeed is because of our structured program, customized approach, and visually friendly curriculum that we use to teach and reinforce math concepts. 
Here at our math learning center, we believe in executing an individualized 3-part program to help our students be successful with their current math class and for any math classes they take in the future!
The key factor that makes our students successful in the long run is the fact that we don't just support them with getting good grades and completing their homework. Using our Mathnasium assessment process, we identify a student's longstanding gaps that may cause issues down the road. Finding those gaps and filling them in early is part of what makes our program work for so many students.
But we also believe in reinforcing current school concepts as they are being taught so that students don't need as much help with their math assignments and will require less study time for the test or quizzes. Mathnasium prepares visual test prep packets so that your child can feel confident leading up to the test date.
Many guardians find homework time to be the most stressful because they have to relearn the concepts before being able to sit down and try and help their child. Math can become a drawn-out and irksome process for both parents and students.
In addition to a student's in-center curriculum, we can tackle math homework in order to shorten homework time and relieve this stress from your household!
Mathnasium can change your family's life like it has done for thousands of families!
Schedule a FREE TRIAL now so your child can experience the Mathnasium advantage!
Phone: (619) 946-5686