Eagan Blog

Amazing fractals found in nature

Jan 3, 2023 | Eagan Blog

Fractals are known as geometric shapes that display similarity through their full range of scale—that is, they look the same no matter how big or how small they are. It’s pretty cool when you think about it and even cooler when you realize that they are found everywhere in nature! Read this article to learn more about Fractals found in nature.

Math On The High Seas

Dec 7, 2022 | Eagan Blog

Without math, would our seafaring ancestors ever have seen the world? Great mathematical thinkers and their revolutionary discoveries have an incredible story. Explore the beginnings of logarithms through the history of navigation, adventure, and new worlds in this blog: “Math On The High Seas”

The Golden Ratio in Everyday Life

Oct 26, 2022 | Eagan Blog

This ideal ratio is used by many because of its apparent lure to the human eye. The Golden Ratio has been said to be the most appealing ratio and is therefore used frequently. Everything from commercial advertising companies, to painters, to even doctors incorporate this 'magical' ratio into their work.Learn more about the golden ratio in this blog

Did you know how much Math is there in Sports?

Oct 6, 2022 | Eagan Blog

Sports are a great past-time, and getting the whole gang together to support your favorite team is a blast for the whole family! Sports can also be a great way to highlight math concepts to kids in a fun and relatable way. Click over to our blog to see 5 cool ways to find math in sports!