Spring is finally here, which marks the closing weeks of the school year and a new season of Major League Baseball. Baseball is driven by math, perhaps more than any other sport. Baseball is a game of mathematical numbers used to try and determine how pla..
Mathnasium was created to fill a need. The need, which was obvious to Larry Martinek, was the struggle kids experienced in math class. The language of math, the pacing of the class, and textbook teaching styles all seemed to culminate in frustrat..
Does your child have to be a math whiz to get into college? Well, not exactly. But they do need a portion of the skills that a good math education yields. According to the professionals at College Board, students need to acquire these: ..
As we’ve discussed before there is a prevailing sentiment that math is something to be feared or hated. Many children and adults readily admit their aversion to the subject. Math anxiety, a topic we defined last week, can begin in childhood, as earl..
Mathematics is an extremely necessary skill that people use everyday throughout their lives, therefore, math is a vital skill to learn in school. However, many children and adults feel anxious and stressed when they are faced with math. People who experie..
Today we want to share some great insights from Justin Gillmore, a math teacher of 16 years. In this interview, we asked Mr. Gillmore what makes a successful math student and what parents can do to ensure their student will have a ..
In November of 2014, the world got a real treat. Carol Dweck was featured on TED talks and gave an eye-opening lecture about something we hadn't heard of yet.... she called it a "Growth Mindset". 8 years and nearly..