How to Prevent the Summer Slide NOW

Jun 28, 2018 | La Jolla

Summer is here! Even though students look forward to these two months off, parents should be weary. Children don’t only get a break from school. Actually, they lose the equivalent of two months of math skills that they learned the prior year. A math summer program can combat this loss.Summer Learning Loss -

When a student enters a new grade-level, they typically possess less math skills than they had at the end of the prior academic year. Educators call this problem “Summer Slide,” “Summer Learning Loss, “Summer Slump,” “Summer Regression” or “Summer Brain Drain.”  To combat this learning slide, many math teachers hastily re-teach content that the children learned a few months prior. It’s a waste of teachers’ time and resources---and if your child needs more time reviewing math concepts they haven’t seen in two (or more!) months, they can spend the rest of the year struggling with concepts that build upon the material that they lost.  

The good news is that parents can preemptively take action to ensure their child’s success. Kids who participate in summer academic programs retain, and even increase, skills in that subject. Those skills last a long time too. In fact, the effects of a summer learning program can last for at least two years, according to a study by the RAND Corporation.