The Rewards of Mathnasium of Libertyville
Apr 15, 2024 | Libertyville
Q: What do you love most about working at Mathnasium?
Employee Answer: All the kids have unique, diverse personalities.
Q: What subject did you love most when you were in school?
Employee Answer: Math, because I understood it, and it came easy to me. It kept me engaged in class!
Q: What have you loved most about Mathnasium?
Student Answer: "Mr. Jordan, he makes it really fun, you know?"
Q: What have you loved most about Mathnasium?
Parent Answer: "They're getting good at math! At first my son didn't want to get out of the car to go in, and now he is excited each time he has a session. He is more comfortable and likes it a lot!" ~Nadia