How Can Mathnasium of Mesa North Support Your Students' School This Year?

Sep 10, 2021 | Mesa North

As a neighborhood math learning center, Mathnasium is dedicated to supporting our local schools. We live here and work here, so it is important that we use our resources to re-invest in our community. 


Here are just a few of the ways that we can support your school, your STEM/STEAM efforts, and your fundraising:


School Auction / Fundraiser

If you are having a Parent Night Out or Auction Night, we’d love to donate! We can provide a basket of goodies with a gift certificate worth $500 in Mathnasiums services. The gift certificate is good for a diagnostic assessment, start up fee, and a month of Mathnasium tuition.


Sponsored Teacher Breakfasts / Luncheons

Want to provide a meal or snacks to your teachers and school administrators on a professional development day or meeting day? We would be happy to sponsor a catered breakfast or lunch, stuff the fridge, or provide a snack cart. 


School Event Sponsorships

We are open to supporting activities and initiatives on your campus, whether it be through a financial donation or sponsorship. Let us know what you have in mind and we can collaborate with you.

In the past we have participated in Fall Carnivals, Trunk or Treats, holiday celebrations, spring celebrations, spelling bees, and much more!


Annual STEAM/STEM Nights

Mathnasium puts the M in STEM! We can provide interactive math-based games and learning activities alongside your other partners during your annual STEM/STEAM Night.


Math Night

Do you need an engaging family event during the fall or spring semester? Let Mathnasium host a Math Night at your school. We bring 8 to 10 math activity stations, the prize wheel (students answer a math question to get a prize), “passports” that encourage both parents and students to visit each station in an effort to create good parent/student engagement. We can also design a flyer for school distribution through student backpacks or posting to PeachJar.

You can learn more about this program at


Back to School Season

We love to be a part of your efforts to celebrate the beginning of the school year. Let us enhance your traditional Back to School Night. We can bring math games for the kids while parents visit with teachers. Or we can have an information table with a quick interactive game for students to get their brains moving in the right directions for the school year. We can also provide a flyer with helpful hints for parents to set their child/children up for success this year.


PTA/PTO Membership Drives

Do you need an incentive for your PTA/PTO Membership Drive? We can arrange a special offer for your school when a parent joins the PTA/PTO or makes a contribution.


Have other ideas? Let us know!



More About Mathnasium

Mathnasium is an after school learning center where students in kindergarten through 12th grade come to catch up, keep up, and get ahead in math. Mathnasium offers math tutoring and enrichment, homework help, and test prep services to excel in the classroom and beyond. In addition to the in-person services we offer at our local center, we offer online educational programs through Mathnasium@home.

Mathnasium of Mesa North is located at 2836 N Power Road #101, Mesa, Arizona 85215, and proudly serves the Las Sendas, Red Mountain and Mountain View communities.