#MathLove 2021

Feb 1, 2021 | Midlothian

"I love math because, even if there might be one correct answer to a problem or concept, there is always more than one way to think about it!"

-Alec McElroy, Center Director






"I love math because there is math in everything! When we understand math, it helps us make sense of the world around us. Math can challenge you, or reassure you, depending on how you use it. Plus it's fun! There is never going to be a time you won't need math, so embracing it and finding your love of math will help you in almost every endeavor in life!"

-Lotus Perkins, Assistant Center Director


"I love math because it's fun, it's what I am best at, and it makes sense. I enjoy the challenge."

-Tejas S., Instructor





We're a company of people who love sharing our passion and our love of math with others. We teach children math so they understand it, master it, and love it. Math can change their lives and they can change the world.

But don’t just take our word for it! Here are some reviews from parents who have seen firsthand how Mathnasium fosters a love of math in our students. 


"My son has been a student for just over a month and the experience has been great. He loves to go to the center whereas he previously hated math. The staff has always been professional and courteous to me when I pick him up. Lastly, we can see that the product works. He is building the math foundation he needed."
"Mathnasium has made a significant difference with my daughter's number sense and more importantly, her overall confidence with math. She easily works through problems and math learning is more pleasant to her and us. Mathnasium of Midlothian staff are excellent!"

We can teach your child to love math too!

Call us today at (804) 378-2211 to get started!