3rd Grade Math Help: Do I Need Outside Assistance?

Feb 15, 2024 | Mt. Juliet

Key Takeaways

Identifying the signs your child may need extra math help is crucial for their success.

Understanding and reinforcing math fundamentals can prevent future struggles.

Exploring both in-person and online tutoring options can cater to your child's learning style.

Interactive apps and games can make math learning more engaging for third graders.

Booking an appointment for a math assessment can set your child on the path to improvement.

Is Third Grade Math Causing Concern?

Third grade marks a pivotal year in a child's math education, where they transition from learning to count to truly understanding how numbers work together. It's the year when multiplication tables and fractions enter the scene, and these concepts lay the groundwork for future math success. But what if your child is finding these new challenges more frustrating than fun?

Signs Your Child Might Need Extra Math Help

It's normal for kids to face some hurdles as they learn, but consistent difficulties might signal the need for extra help. Here are a few red flags:

They're hesitant to talk about math or quickly become frustrated during homework time.

You've noticed a drop in their math grades or a teacher has expressed concerns.

They struggle with basic math operations like addition and subtraction, which are crucial at this stage.

There's a reluctance to attempt math problems, especially new or complex ones.

Most importantly, don't wait for the problem to solve itself. Early intervention can make all the difference.

Evaluating Your Child's Math Skills

Before you can address the issue, you need to understand where your child stands. This means taking a closer look at their homework, quizzes, and tests. It also means having a conversation with their teacher to get a professional perspective on your child's math abilities.

We also offer a free assessment at Mathnasium. After taking the assessment, you will have a clear picture of what your child's strengths and weaknesses are in math.

The Importance of Math Fundamentals

The foundation of math is built on a few key skills: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. These are the building blocks for all future math concepts, so if your child is shaky on these, it's like trying to build a house on sand.

Therefore, it's vital to ensure that your child has a strong grasp of these fundamentals before moving on. Reinforcement at home through simple exercises can be a game-changer.

If you have time and the patience (and your child doesn't fight you too much!), you can try interactive educational apps that turn learning math into a game.

There are also websites that allow you to print off worksheets that reinforce what is being done in the classroom.

Finally, you might start using math board games that reinforce basic arithmetic skills.

The important thing with all these options is consistent daily practice.

Incorporating Math into Daily Activities

Math is everywhere! Involve your child in everyday activities that require math, like cooking, shopping, or planning a trip. It's a great way to show them how math is not just a school subject but a part of life.

For example, while cooking, you might ask your child to measure out ingredients, doubling a recipe, or halving it, which is a practical application of fractions.

Booking A Math Help Appointment: Next Steps to Success

After trying these strategies, if your child still struggles with math, it might be time to consider outside help. A professional tutor such as Mathnasium can provide the personalized attention and expert guidance that your child needs to overcome their challenges.

Assessing Your Options and Making a Decision

When looking for a tutor, consider their credentials, experience with third-grade math, and their teaching style.

It's also important to think about your family's schedule and budget. Make sure the tutoring sessions can fit into your life without adding more stress.

At Mathnasium, we have a team of experts in the field who have been putting together a curriculum that has a track record of success. And with a number of instructors available at all times, finding a good personality fit is not difficult at all.

Ready to take the next step? Book Your Appointment today for a free assessment and see how personalized instruction can unlock your child's potential in math.

Don't delay in taking the first step towards your child's math success. Booking an appointment for an assessment can give you a clear picture of your child's needs and how best to address them. A tailored tutoring plan can make all the difference in their confidence and performance.


What kind of math skills should a third grader have?

By third grade, children should have a solid understanding of number sense, including place value and the ability to perform addition and subtraction with multi-digit numbers. They should also be introduced to multiplication and division concepts, understand basic fractions, and be able to solve simple word problems.

How often should my child see a math tutor?

The ideal frequency of tutoring sessions depends on your child's current skill level and their learning objectives. We suggest a minimum of two one-hour sessions per week, but three sessions is ideal.

What should I look for in a math tutor?

A great math tutor should not only have expertise in math but also the ability to communicate concepts in a way that resonates with your child. Look for a tutor who is patient, encouraging, and has a track record of helping students improve their math skills.

Are there any free resources for 3rd grade math help?

Absolutely! There are plenty of free resources available online. Websites like Cool Math Games and Math Playground offer games that make learning math fun. Educational platforms such as Khan Academy provide free lessons tailored to different grades and topics.

How can I make math fun for my child?

Turn math into a game. Use puzzles, board games, and apps to make learning math interactive and fun. Encourage your child to play math-related games, which can help them understand and apply math concepts in an enjoyable way. Celebrate their achievements to build confidence and a positive attitude towards math. Or bring them to Mathnasium where we do that for you!