FAQ - Mathnasium@Home
CLASSES START MONDAY MARCH 23rd Schedule Now at https://nhpmath.as.me/home Q&A collection for parents and guardians that explains details on Mathnasium@Home, the online platform for learning Math in the w..
How to get online with Mathnasium@home
Following are instructions to get you online with Mathnasium@Home
The first time you sign on, you will create your ConexED ID. Go to:
If you are using a gmail account, click on the G on the left hand side, then sign on using google. You will get a verification email. Once you get that, you will be registered.
If you are not using a gmail account, click on the guest registration button on the right then on the next screen, register for a new account (little box on the bottom right). Make sure that you enter the student's name when asked for a name. You will then receive a verification email. Once you get that, you will be registered.
Once you are registered:
You can sign into the @Home classroom by going to:
Once you sign in, you will be sent to the classroom where we will get you into the correct breakout room.
If you have any trouble signing on, please send a text to (917) 746-1629, and someone will get back to you, either via text or voice as soon as possible (usually within 15-30 minutes).
Thank you.
Leon Jaggon
Mathnasium @Home NHP/GC/Mineola
Assistant Center Director