10 Fun Activities To Build Math Skills

Dec 29, 2021 | North Vancouver WA

There are two types of people in the world, those who enjoy mathematics and the other 98% of the population. Mathematics is often seen as a dull, meticulous, overly logical subject with

strict rules and little imagination.


However, who says that learning math cannot be fun? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if math were something kids wanted to do?


This blog has many interesting, engaging, and easy-to-use ideas and entertaining activities to help them see math in a brand-new way.


Board Games

Board games nowadays have many exciting new things to do. Some fun games related to math include Prime Climb, Rummikub, and Proof: The Fast-Paced Game of Mental Math Magic! By playing math-related board games, children will have an opportunity to learn about numerical concepts differently and associate them with similar kinds of play or fun.


Each game is different, but most board games incorporate hands-on probability, strategic thinking, and an element of luck into the mechanics, so this makes them an engaging way of

introducing mathematical concepts without the use of classroom textbooks and worksheets.


Video Games

Mathematics is an activity that is best learned through trial and error. This allows kids to try their best and accurately pinpoint concepts they have trouble understanding. Much in the same way, video games are an uphill climb to experience and completion. 


Very few people can beat a game without a slew of failed attempts, so why don't players give up? 


They don’t give up because "games teach tenacity and determination." Players understand that if they fail on a level, they have another chance to try it, with the additional lessons they’ve learned through failing. Students can view math through that same lens, sure there may be more at stake when considering grades, but if students view tests like a boss fight, they can learn from their previous mistakes so that they are ready when the next one rolls around. 


Riddles and Brain Teasers

Working on fun math logic puzzles and brain teasers challenges students to strengthen their minds to find a solution. These clever questions intersect with mathematical thinking and help grow a child's mind. 


Let us give this math riddle a try!

What did ZERO say to EIGHT?

Nice Belt!

Wasn't that funny?


While this kind of riddle may not help your child understand complex algebra equations, it makes math seem more light-hearted, giving your child the mental freedom to explore what they like about math.


Playing Cards

Using a deck of cards is an inexpensive, readily available, and very engaging math learning tool. It is a great way to engage the brain in math activities, extend basic math skills, and increase self-esteem. Playing cards as a math manipulator makes a fun and hands-on approach to learning.


Dice Games

Students have many fun ways to engage with math. In addition to playing cards, they can have loads of fun exploring the wonders of math via dice games like block-out and over the mountain. Dice are also great manipulatives for math and help kids visualize multiplication patterns. So pick up a set of dice and let it roll!


Movement-based math activities

The idea of a typical math class is usually preceded by a mental image of students at their desks working out problems on paper. Think of a room filled with kids buzzing with energy, moving their arms up and down, and chanting out multiplication tables as if they were counting football scores. Combining math learning with exercise is an all-around workout for the body and the brain. Not only are the students learning their times tables, but they are having fun while doing so!



Operations puzzles are fun and a great way to practice math skills. They are relatively easy to solve and can become quite addictive. The best thing about working on these puzzles is that solving them requires mathematical thinking and algebra skills, which is excellent for young students. The puzzles provide a safe environment to think mathematically before tackling advanced mathematics.


Math art projects

It is not a secret that art and mathematics go hand in hand. Art helps children understand mathematics concepts, such as shapes and even simple addition and subtraction. If a child has a knack for creating art masterpieces, consider sharing some fun art projects involving math with them. Imagine exploring geometry fundamentals through the creation of one's art piece!


Math storytelling

Storytelling can help turn math into fun while kickstarting students' interest in numbers. Storytelling spoken loud to another person face-to-face rather than being read from a page or in a book can help embed lessons more deeply. If students love to read, storytelling can be a great way to play with maths.


Math journal writing

Writing about math is a valuable tool that helps organize thoughts, communicate, discuss and present ideas using important terminology. A mathematic journal is one of the best

ways to introduce writing into math class. In addition to creating their own math stories, it helps students stretch their thinking, making sense of problems that may leave them confused or frustrated.


Everything is hard as long as it is not understood, including math. We believe Math should not be a chore but something fun that children enjoy and become better at doing. Here in Mathnasium, we help do that in the easiest way possible. The more children have fun in Math, the better they can do.