Novi Blog

Math On The High Seas

Dec 7, 2022 | Novi Blog

Without math, would our seafaring ancestors ever have seen the world? Great mathematical thinkers and their revolutionary discoveries have an incredible story. Explore the beginnings of logarithms through the history of navigation, adventure, and new worlds in this blog: “Math On The High Seas”

Did you know how much Math is there in Sports?

Oct 6, 2022 | Novi Blog

Sports are a great past-time, and getting the whole gang together to support your favorite team is a blast for the whole family! Sports can also be a great way to highlight math concepts to kids in a fun and relatable way. Click over to our blog to see 5 cool ways to find math in sports!

Twists, Turns, and Thrills: The Math of Roller Coasters

Jun 22, 2022 | Novi Blog

The design of a roller coaster demands both creativity and thorough calculations. These calculations are strongly related to differentiation. For a thrilling ride, high speed and acceleration are needed. But for safety reasons, G- forces that people experience must be limited. Let's take a closer look at the math of extreme rides!

What is Infinity?

Jun 15, 2022 | Novi Blog

Have you ever been in the playground playing a game of naming the biggest number you can think of? How quickly does someone say “infinity?” Then the next person says, “infinity plus one,” and the game never seems to stop. But is infinity plus one really bigger than infinity?

How Is Math Used in Healthcare?

Jun 8, 2022 | Novi Blog

People always think that biology and chemistry are important for doctors, nurses, midwives, scientists, and all the other people involved in medicine, but in fact, math is also vital. Math and medicine naturally go together. In this blog, we will explore a number of medical practices and the math behind their science!